

Nice apartments available with 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms, located in the town Portman.

The building of these apartments started in 2005-2007, but now they are all finished and out for sale.
Size of the apartments is from 86 m2. Underground garage is included in the price.

Portman is a very small town by the Mediterranean Sea, at the coast, between the city of Cartagena and La Manga peninsula.
It is only 6,5 kms away from La Manga Golf Resort, so if you like golf it will only take you 10 minutes to get there.

Portman offers you all what you need to spend a nice holidays or to live permanently, it is surronded by protected wild areas where you will find plenty of paths to walk and enjoy the nature.

Prices starting from 79.000€ up to 165.000€ + 10% VAT and additional duty stamp and registry cost.

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Close to Beach
Close to Golf
Communal Garden
Equipped with White Goods
Private Community
Private Garage

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